
The Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM) is a statutory body constituted under the Registration of Engineers Act 1967 with perpetual succession and a common seal, which may sue and be sued. It was formed in 23rd August 1972. BEM primary role is to facilitate the registration of Engineers, Engineering Technologists, Inspectors of Works, Sole Proprietorships, Partnerships and Bodies Corporate providing professional engineering services and; to regulate the professional conduct and practice of registered person in order to safeguard the safety and interest of the public.

BEM falls within the ambit of responsibility of the Minister of Works. Vested with wide powers, the Minister may suspend the operation of the Registration of Engineers Act 1967 (REA) in any part of Malaysia by notification in the gazette. The appointment of the Board Members and the Registrar is made by the Minister.

The Registration of Engineers Act 1967 and the Registration of Engineers Regulations 1990 have been amended in 2015 with date of operation on 31st July 2015. The amended REA will be known as "Registration of Engineers Act 1967 (Revised 2015)' whilst the accompanying Regulations will be known as "Registration of Engineers Regulatons 1990 (Revised 2015)".

These latest amendments are a direct result of Government policies on trade for services. As Malaysia developed towards a service industry the issue of “liberalisation” of the services came to the forefront in the Free Trade Agreements (FTA) which the country signed. These latest amendments directly address liberalisation issues in order for the country to meet its international obligations.

The need to regulate the Engineering Team; Engineers, Engineering Technologists and Engineering Technicians has also led the BEM to amend the REA to incorporate two new categories: Engineering Technologists and Inspector of Works (also known as Engineering Technicians).